The Stroz

Using RegEx Subexpressions in MySQL

Jul 18, 2024
5 minutes

MySQL Regular Expressions

As I have discussed, regular expressions can be a powerful tool for developers. When we use regular expressions to match a pattern and need to replace part of that pattern, subexpressions make it much easier. Subexpressions are specific parts of a pattern that we can reference elsewhere in the process.

The Requirement

The requirement for this exercise is simple. If the word ‘ipsum’ exists in our string, and there is a word before the instance of ‘ipsum’, replace that word with four asterisks. For example, if we had a string that contained the text ...Scott ipsum..., or solution must return ...**** ipsum....

The Setup

This exercise will use the following query as our starting point.

    substr(sample, 1, 50) sample
from ipsum
where id in (1,2,6,10,11);

I chose those specific rows because ipsum is the second word in each of them. The result of this query resembles the following:

| id | name         | sample                                             |
|  1 | Lorem Ipsum  | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing |
|  2 | Zombie Ipsum | Zombie ipsum reversus ab viral inferno             |
|  6 | Cat Ipsum    | Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, who's the baby yet bury  |
| 10 | Dog Ipsum    | Doggo ipsum thicc puggo yapper heck bork borkdrive |
| 11 | Pizza Ipsum  | Pizza ipsum dolor amet string cheese bbq rib onion |
5 rows in set (0.0033 sec)

The Solution

As I said above, a subexpression is an annotated portion of our pattern in regex. In our regular expression, we separate subexpressions by wrapping them in parentheses ( ). Each subexpression can then be referenced using a dollar sign $ followed by the subexpression number you want (numbered from left to right).

Let’s take a look at a query that satisfies our requirements.

    substr(regexp_replace(sample, '(\\b.+\\b)(ipsum)', '**** $2'), 1, 50) snippet
from ipsum
where id in (1,2,6,10,11);

The second argument of regexp_replace() shows that two regex parts are wrapped in parentheses. This annotation means that we will have two subexpressions. Let’s break these down individually. We will start with (\\b.*\\b).

  • ( : The left parenthesis indicates the start of our subexpression. It is NOT used as part of the pattern match.
  • \\b : This part of the regex says we want to match a word boundary.
  • .+ : Next, we specify we want to match one or more characters.
    • The . indicates any character.
    • The + indicates one or more.
  • \\b : This part of the regex says we want to match a word boundary.
  • ) : The right parenthesis indicates the end of our subexpression. It is NOT used as part of the pattern match.

The second subexpression, (ipsum), is easier to read.

  • ( : The left parenthesis indicates the start of our subexpression. It is NOT used as part of the pattern match.
  • ipsum : Indicates we want to match the literal string ‘ipsum’.
  • ) : The right parenthesis indicates the end of our subexpression. It is NOT used as part of the pattern match.

When we combine these two, our pattern translates to a word boundary followed by one or more characters, followed by another word boundary, followed by the text ‘ipsum’.

We reference the second subexpression using $2 in the third argument. Now, regexp_repalce() will replace our matching pattern with the literal string **** and the value of our second subexpression.

Here are the results of this query:

| id | name         | snippet                                            |
|  1 | Lorem Ipsum  | **** ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing  |
|  2 | Zombie Ipsum | **** ipsum reversus ab viral inferno               |
|  6 | Cat Ipsum    | **** ipsum dolor sit amet, who's the baby yet bury |
| 10 | Dog Ipsum    | **** ipsum thicc puggo yapper heck bork borkdrive  |
| 11 | Pizza Ipsum  | **** ipsum dolor amet string cheese bbq rib onions |
5 rows in set (0.0447 sec)

The word before ipsum in each row has been replaced with ****.

Having Some Fun

The solution above satisfies our requirements, but let’s see how else we can use these subexpressions.

If we wanted to replace ipsum with ****, we could use this query:

    substr(regexp_replace(sample, '(\\b.+\\b)(ipsum)', '$1 ****'), 1, 50) snippet
from ipsum
where id in (1,2,6,10,11);

The only change we made was to the text we want to use as a replacement. We are using the value of the first subexpression followed by ****. The results of this query look like:

| id | name         | snippet                                            |
|  1 | Lorem Ipsum  | Lorem  **** dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing |
|  2 | Zombie Ipsum | Zombie  **** reversus ab viral inferno             |
|  6 | Cat Ipsum    | Cat  **** dolor sit amet, who's the baby yet bury  |
| 10 | Dog Ipsum    | Doggo  **** thicc puggo yapper heck bork borkdrive |
| 11 | Pizza Ipsum  | Pizza  **** dolor amet string cheese bbq rib onion |
5 rows in set (0.0599 sec)

This example shows how to use subexpressions, but we would not need regex to replace the text ipsum with ****. But what if we wanted to swap the words that match our pattern?

We can accomplish that simply by updating our replacement text to $2 $1 like in the query below:

    substr(regexp_replace(sample, '(\\b.+\\b)(ipsum)', '$2 $1'), 1, 50) snippet
from ipsum
where id in (1,2,6,10,11);

The result of this query would be:

| id | name         | snippet                                            |
|  1 | Lorem Ipsum  | ipsum Lorem  dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscin |
|  2 | Zombie Ipsum | ipsum Zombie  reversus ab viral inferno            |
|  6 | Cat Ipsum    | ipsum Cat  dolor sit amet, who's the baby yet bury |
| 10 | Dog Ipsum    | ipsum Doggo  thicc puggo yapper heck bork borkdriv |
| 11 | Pizza Ipsum  | ipsum Pizza  dolor amet string cheese bbq rib onio |
5 rows in set (0.0559 sec)

Now, each snippet starts with ipsum and is followed by the word that preceded it in the original text.

If this were a real-life scenario, I would probably add logic to ensure the capitalization made sense, but I think this is good enough for this example.

Wrap Up

Subexpressions in regex can help isolate parts of a pattern so we can reuse them as part of a replacement process. In this post, I showed how we can use each of two subexpressions in different configurations. For more information on regular expressions in MySQL, check out the documentation.

Photo by Ferdinand Stöhr on Unsplash

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